Customer Prefferred Price Band Prediction
MIT / Macy's Capstone Project: Predicted Macy's customers' preferred price band

MIT / Macy's Capstone Project: Predicted Macy's customers' preferred price band
Applied deep learning methods on the segmentation of stomach and intestines from MRI scans. Expedited treatment procedures and optimized therapy outcomes.
Enhanced bank's marketing strategy by improving promotion channel selection through k-NN prescription and Kernel methods, increasing profit by 310%.
Optimized 9K orders' assignment in supply chain using Mixed Integer Optimization, designed an optimal distribution network, reduced cost by $3.5M.
Predicted daily closing prices of 200 stocks in NASDAQ utilizing ARIMA, LightGBM, Deep Neural Networks, and ensemble learning, reduced MAE by 17.2%.
Developed NLP models to enhance biomedical text processing for improved clinical decision-making tools at Imperial College London.
Designed and implemented an U-NET for MR brain image segmentation, improved tumor detection through innovative loss function and evaluation metrics.
Board Independence, Family Control and Earnings Management - Based on empirical research on listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets.
Developed a comprehensive educational management system for teachers and students to manage course and grade information.
Designed an integrated information system for book purchases and sales using Microsoft SQL Server.
Developed a music player on the Andriod platform using Java, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.